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Big Ideas Happen
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Changing the future of communication means thinking differently.
While there's no substitute for real experience, it helps to hear and share stories of revolutionary technology in action.
“Best way to respect learners: Use techniques that research has proven to work. Help people reach their goals without wasting their time.” ~ Cathy Moore, Award-Winning Instructional Designer
A common sentiment echoed by trainers is that hybrid training sessions are making them desk-bound to ensure that the online attendees can hear them. If the trainers need to move around the training room, they will literally need to raise their voices so that the computer mic can pick up their voices. Online attendees often heard interference and background noises if the trainers use wireless mic when moving around the training room. VEP+ is used in many departments in government ministries and statutory boards to ensure clear transmission of audio in hybrid training sessions, as a wireless mic with feedback cancellation and for concurrent HD livestreaming and recording.
The best way to create value in the 21st century EdTech is to connect creativity with technology by serving bespoke future-proof truly wireless solution that is intuitive, scalable and flexible to adapt to evolving needs.
An institution in Singapore wanted to have the state-of-the-art Teaching Lab to observe and record interactions between the instructor and the participants. The leaders want to capture the general interactions and importantly how each individual reacts and communicates their thoughts to each others. VEP+ replaced the overhead mics. The leaders can now see, hear and record each and every individual in the instruction room from the observation room and beyond. This change has not only exceeded the expectations of the leaders, the institution is already fully equipped for hybrid lesson delivery.
The future of events such as meetings and weddings is changing. We know because we're changing it.
Most event venues are offering premium projectors, sophisticated AV equipment, high speed internet and on-site technical support, an International Hotel Brand saw the opportunity to offer VEP+ as a handsfree multiplex radio (walkie-talkie), as a microphone-cum-playlist controller for the wedding Master of Ceremony (simultaneous voice and audio transmission), as a hybrid presenter voice enhancer-cum-on-site wireless mic. VEP+ proves to be so easy to use, no on-site technical support is needed.
With the gradual streamlining of Safe Management Measures (SMM), some organisations, clubs and commercial / residential owners prefer to hold their Annual General Meetings (AGMs) in hybrid mode with some members attending face-to-face while others online.
Many thought that expensive equipment and infrastructure are needed to ensure all face-to-face and online attendees can hear each other clearly during hybrid meetings. We’re glad that a number of organisations, clubs and commercial / residential owners has made VEP+ an indispensable part of their AGMs and regular meetings.
"Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success." ~ Henry Ford
We worked extensively with our distributors and resellers to localise our solutions, craft proposals and present to local authorities for mid- to large-scale projects and adoptions. In a recent project in an Asian country, we supported our distributor all the way from sales pitching to the installation of our hardware and software in the institutions.